Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Members of the TADaaM project gave hundreds of hours of teaching at Université de Bordeaux and the Bordeaux INP engineering school, covering a wide range of topics from basic use of computers and C programming to advanced topics such as computer architecture, operating systems, parallel programming and high-performance runtime systems.


  • PhD: François Tessier, Placement of parallel applications according to the topology and the affinity, Université de Bordeaux, defended Jan. 26, 2015. Advisor: Emmanuel Jeannot and Guillaume Mercier.

  • PhD: Paul-Antoine Arras, Ordonnancement d'applications à flux de données pour les MPSOC, Université de Bordeaux, defended Feb. 3, 2015. Advisor: Emmanuel Jeannot and Samuel Thibault.

  • PhD in progress: Remi Barat, multi-criteria graph partitioning, started in 2014. Advisor: François Pellegrini.

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Blanchard, parallelization and data distribution of discontinuous Galerkin methods for complex flow simulations, started in 2013. Advisor: François Pellegrini.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Denoyelle, advanced memory hierarchies and new topologies, started in 2015. Advisor: Brice Goglin and Emmanuel Jeannot.

  • PhD in progress: Benjamin Lorendeau, new programming models and optimization of Code Saturn, started in 2015. Advisor: Yvan Fournier and Emmanuel Jeannot.

  • PhD in progress: Romain Prou, communication management based on remote memory access, started in 2015. Advisor: Alexandre Denis and Emmanuel Jeannot.

  • PhD in progress: Hugo Taboada, communication progression in runtime systems, started in 2015. Advisor: Alexandre Denis and Emmanuel Jeannot.

  • PhD in progress: Adèle Villiermet, topology-aware resource management, started in 2014. Advisor: Emmanuel Jeannot and Guillaume Mercier.


Brice Goglin was member of the PhD defense of the following candidates:

  • Surya Narayanan Khizahanchery Natarajan (Inria Rennes, Reviewer)

Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the PhD defense of the following candidates:

  • Ivan Cores, (Universidade Da Coruña, Reviewer)

  • Emmanuelle Saillard (Université de Bordeaux, President)

  • Farouk Mansouri (Université de Grenoble, Reviewer)

  • Stéfano Drimon Kurz Mór (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Reviewer)

François Pellegrini was member of the PhD defense of the following candidates:

  • François Tessier (Université de Bordeaux, President)

  • Astrid Casadei (Université de Bordeaux, Member)

  • Karl-Eduard Berger (CEA & Paris Saclay, Reviewer)

Brice Goglin was also a member of the hiring committees for the Inria Bordeaux communication department head, for a communication assistant, and for the works council (AGOS) assistant.

Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the hiring committee of a research team assistant.